It is also important to remember that if you are taking any medication which may constipate you as well, for you may be doing all of this and are still feeling “stuck”. Or you may also have inadequate digestive enzymes contributing to your problem, another factor which isn’t an easy fix. Overuse of laxatives and enemas could furthermore add to the predicament. Now it is your turn to be active and prevent or fix constipation for ever.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Sluggish bowels?
It is also important to remember that if you are taking any medication which may constipate you as well, for you may be doing all of this and are still feeling “stuck”. Or you may also have inadequate digestive enzymes contributing to your problem, another factor which isn’t an easy fix. Overuse of laxatives and enemas could furthermore add to the predicament. Now it is your turn to be active and prevent or fix constipation for ever.
Portion Size
Tuesday, February 12, 2008
Good BYE white flour!
There are other flours out there. Sometimes I go to the health food store just to look around. Funny right? Every time I go there I find new and exciting products for healthy eaters like you and me. Last time I was there I found the best baking flour of all-SOY FLOUR. With soy flour you can only replace it with 1/3 of the recipe. Before I begin I want to explain the idea of net carbs it is the total carbohydrates minus dietary fiber. So here we go. Soy flour= Net Carbs: 5 ( 8 carbs -3 dietary fiber = 5 grams ), Protein: 10, Total: 6 Sat: 1. This particular flour has a higher total fat, which is good for, don’t be scared. It is also high in protein, another good factor. I also recently purchased barley flour which has, Net Carbs: 15 (19 carbs – 4 dietary fiber = 15 ) Total: 1 Sat 0, Protein 3. This flour is reasonably low in carbs, lower in fat and lower in protein, though you can substitute it cup for cup. Compare this to regular wheat flour at Net Carb 19 ( 22- 3= 19 Dietary fiber) Total: 1 Sat:0 Protien:3. Wheat is the highest in carbs of these basic flours, though similar to barley in other aspects.
Happy Valentine's Day!
As we look around us we see others exchanging flowers, teddy bears and of course the decadent chocolates and candies in a way to show their love and appreciation for one another. However, there is no reason why we can’t love what we eat on this day just as well. Although it is easy to indulge in the plethora of sweets and give in to the “Well its only one day a year” mantra, there are ways to survive and be strong. Whether your method is to have a little bit of everything (if it is possible to survive with a bite) or to simply make healthier choices; be WISE.
Good Carb BAD carb?
1. I consider the work required in producing this food. I am grateful for its source.
Thursday, February 7, 2008
Is Weight Watchers another diet or truly a life style? I pose this question as a former dieter looking for a good and easy system. You see weight watchers has it all planned out for you. On the flip side, it can still be restricting! Once you start the “diet”, if I may dare to use that word, you receive a certain amount of points you are not allowed to exceed. “Uh ohh I went over my points today and I ran out of extra points for the week!” Does this lead to a feeling of disappointment any other diet would give? Or I ate more than 3 pretzels rods (which serving size is 2 points.) Hmm? For those strict dieters out there, this could take a little getting used to, unless they are trying to get rid of the diet mentality completely.
The meetings are another great aspect of Weight Watchers, for it is a support group for you and your fellow weight conscious friends. You guys are in it together. Each week you discuss how you handled your eating healthy and share tips with one another. At each meeting you also get weighed to see if you have lost, gained or maintained. In retrospect the “weigh ins” could be a good thing unless you have anxiety or are embarrassed. They also tend to suck money out of you with all the Weight Watcher products at these meeting. Like I said, you can learn a lot about portion sizes and analyzing your hunger from their program. I would say it’s worth a try.
FAD diets = not so good
The DSM-IV-TR for Bulimia states a person must binge eat at least twice a week for three months, feel a lack of control when eating and purging i.e. laxatives, starving, exercise, enemas, diuretics, and vomiting. Anorexia Nervosa states the refusal to maintain body weight at or above normalcy, distorted body image, fear of weight gain. He or she may also binge and purge or restrict. When an anorexic being goes under their natural weight, they develop a layer of furry hair, like peach fuz, called lanugo. This is a defense mechanism in order to protect the body from hypothermia. Both of these “eating problems”, as I like to refer to them as, can be caused by biological, social or psychological dimension.
It is important to seek help to find the root of the problem, for it is not worth living life for others, or living life under certain constraints let alone all health risk which come a long with these disorders. I myself am now seeking counseling and have learned a lot about myself and the sickness.