Thursday, May 8, 2008

Perfect Weight America

When Jordan Rubin shared the Perfect Weight Message across America she found many people did not want to go on diets as they are too restricting. Though, she did point out an interesting point that most of us are on a diet in the sense that when we travel to the grocery store we purchase the same 30-50 items every time we go. Meaning we consume the same cereals, meat and dessert unconsciously.

Jordan Rubin’s book Perfect Weight America teaches you what to eat, when to eat it, and jus how to cheat when you want to. She teaches you what foods are filling and the importance of staying hydrated. Rubin also speaks about detoxifying and cleansing the body, which she suggests should be done seasonally.

Rubin claims this is the perfect book to change your life, for it is a new way to eat with all the directions. For more information visit You can join the online community and partake in such activities as the online journal, shopping lists, individualized exercise plans and daily reminders. Of course there is a catch, for nothing is free in life; you do have to pay for the online subscription. Yet, this does seem like a great self motivator. You have a healthy lifestyle support group from you desktop! Don’t forget joining is not mandatory, you can buy the book as well.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

What’s in your frozen dinner?

So you are looking in the freezer section of your local grocery store searching for the healthiest frozen dinner yet you cannot quite figure out what all of those ingredients are. Are they fattening, cancer causing or perhaps just fancy names for the food. Well here is a list of some of the words you may find, along with a description.

Butylated Hydroxtoluene (BHT): This preserves the oil that fries the food. Though the FDA approves BHT, studies conducted on animals by the Center for Science in Public Interest disagree. Some of these studies have been linked with an increased cancer risk.
Cheese Culture: This is also known as bacteria. Don’t be scared, this is not a “bad” type of bacteria. This type is the kind which turns milk into cheese, nothing to fear.
Disodium Inosinate: It is similar to MSG, as this is a flavor enhancer. This chemical does not have a flavor to itself, yet it does stimulate your taste buds making them more sensitive to meaty and savory flavors.
Ethyl Alcohol: You can find this in chardonnay. This dissolves the vanilla flavor in an apple dessert similar to an alcohol of a vanilla extract.
Polysorbate 80: We are greatful for this chemical, as it keeps the oil-based flavorings from separating when we heat the meals. If Polysorbate did not exist our meals would look like a greasy mess. One would also see this in shaving creams.
Propylene Glycol: Close to antifreeze and also found in condom lubricants. Since there is such a small amount used it is nontoxic.
Sodium Aluminosilicate: A white powder from the rocks felder and zeolite. It is also seen in sweet cream, perhaps to stop the powdered cream from getting lumpy.
Soy Protein Isolate: Another powdered product from soy flour, it thickens the sauce so it does not become to watery.
Sugars: These are found in abundance in many ingredients, as they come under many different names. Some are dextrose, molasses, corn syrup, maltodextrin, and high-fructose corn syrup. Therefore, to get an idea of really how much sugar is in the total meal look at the nutrition facts.
Top 5 almost all natural list: Amy’s Asian Noodle Stir Fry, Cedarlane Zone cheese & vegetable enchiladas, Celentano pene with roasted vegetables, Kashi chicken pasta pomodora, Lean Cuisine salmon with basil.

Foods can protect you from sun?

Foods high in antioxidants have been proven to prevent against skin cancer. Dietary antioxidants can reduce the risk of sunburn, precancerous skin growth, and squamous cell carcinoma.
You always hear don’t wear black it attracts the sun, well for plants their colorful pigment repels the sun. Their color is similar to sunscreen; the more colorful the plant is the more protection it has. Imagine what happens when we consume these fruits and vegetables. Most plants contain lycopene which is a type of carotenoid found in red and pink fruits. Caritenoids protect against areas such as the eyes and skin. Perhaps you have heard carrots are good for your eyes. HMM? Raw tomatoes also contain lycopene, yet cooked are even better. A study was conducted where the subjects consumed tomato paste for ten weeks. After those weeks they were 40 percent less likely to be burned by the sun.
The omega-3 fatty acids found in fish protect our skin, as they aid in inflammation. Fats such as monosaturated fats able to defend themselves better than saturated fats, for “good” fats are better for your body. Those who cut his or her fat intake decreased their risk by a whopping 75%.
Believe it or not chocolate is another helpful food in the protection against the sun. Chocolate contains antioxidants called flavoniods. Try it at home by eating 2 ounces of dark chocolate a day.
Green tea and black tea contain polyphenols, antioxidants that target “free radicals” from the sun. These may also modereate the sun exposure. Those who drank two or more cups a day had a 30 % less chance of developing cancer. Hint: the longer the tea steeps the more polyphenols are being released.
Last but not least green leafy veggies are another great addition to your sunscreen diet. These would include kale, chard, broccoli, and spinach. Broccoli contains sulfraphane an anticancer compound which increases the bodies natural production of enzymes.
This could very well be related to different cultures around the world, for we all consume different foods and all have different skin tones.